NUSRANF049 – Frejus

(NUSRANF049 – Frejus)

In origine il territorio attorno alla baia di Aegytna fu abitato da popolazioni celto-liguri. In seguito i focesi di Massalia fondarono qui un avamposto. Verso il 49 a.C. Giulio Cesare fondò sul territorio degli Oxubii l’insediamento Forum Julii con l’obbiettivo di creare uno scalo portuale alternativo a Massalia. Ottaviano Augusto che vi fece portare le navi di Marco Antonio catturate nella battaglia di Azio ingrandi il porto . Tra il 29 a.C. ed il 27 a.C. vi s’insediarono i veterani della Legio VIII. Per questa ragione la località venne aggiunto il titolo di colonia Octavanorum. /
Frejus was strategically situated at an important crossroads formed by the Via Julia Augusta (which ran between Italy and the Rhône) and the Via Domitia. Although there are only few traces of a settlement at that time, it is known that the poet Cornelius Gallus was born there in 67 BC (NUSRANF049 – Frejus). (Wikipedia)

sec./century:             I d.C. / I A.D.
luogo/place:             296 Rue Henri Vadon, Frejus, France
coord.                         43°26’04.3″N 6°43’43.2″E

visualizza sulla mappa/see on a map;


(” Frejus – Forum Iulii)

It was at Forum Julii that Octavius repatriated the galleys taken from Mark Antony at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC.[3] Between 29 and 27 BC, it became a colony for his veterans of the 8th legion, adding the suffix Octavanorum Colonia. Augustus made the city the capital of the new province of Narbonensis in 22 BC, spurring rapid development. It became one of the most important ports in the Mediterranean; its port was the only naval base for the Roman fleet of Gaul and only the second port after Ostia until at least the time of Nero.

L’amphithéâtre (NUSRANF043)

L’amphithéâtre, bâti à l’extérieur du rempart, à l’ouest de la ville, s’appuie, sur sa moitié nord, contre une colline de grès. Au sud, il s’élève en terrain plat. La façade a disparu, mais il subsiste d’importants murs rayonnants qui assuraient l’ancrage du monument et soutenaient la cavea (les gradins) par un système de voûtes rampantes. Le passage des escaliers d’accès aux premier et deuxième étages était ménagé entre les murs rayonnants des voûtes.

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